International Mission Training
Hey everyone! I am still in Milwaukee doing some international training and will be leaving Thursday morning (August 17th). I am very excited to get to Panama and start to learn the language better and meet many people and begin to form relationships there. The training is going well right now. I am learning a lot and it has been good to be refreshed on topics like adjusting to a new culture. There are four girls doing the international training with us from a Marional group from St. Louis who will be going to Southern Mexico. It has been fun to have others partake in this training with us. All these people are very amazing and have had many great experiences in their lives already that have shaped their beliefs and which give them great passion to do the work they will be doing. It is just wonderful to be encouraged by them and be able to be very open with them. Here is a photo of the Cap Corp volunteers. The two on the left are the ones joining me in Panama; Nathan and Laura. Enjoy and talk to you soon. 

Well, no one commented here, so i thought i would do it. You all rock!
12:44 PM
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when your mom and sister realized your definition of "roughing it" is very different then ours-I remeber those days in MS when you went for daysssssw/o showering-I guess its a "guy thing".
I'm so glad you got to spend the holiday with your family and that they now have a "picture" of your present life!!! Keep up the good work, I'm proud to call you "friend"
Peace and Love,
2:48 PM
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