Distance makes the heart grow fonder?
It seems the more I get to see and discover about Panamá, the more I like it. My girlfriend, Janice, came to visit me weeks ago and we were able to travel to many parts of this beautiful country, even parts I have not been to yet. We first stayed a couple days in Wacuco, my home pueblo so she could meet my friends and get more connected to my life here. From Wacuco we went to the city and spent a night in Casco Antiguo and the following day saw the canal (my fifth or sixth time, geez...) and went to some local churches and historic places. From the city we traveled by prop plane to Bocas Del Toro, which is on the Atlantic (North) side of Panamá which has a culture of its own there. It was described to me by an Englishman I met there as Aruba in the 70´s before it got all developed and extremely touristy. Well, seeing that I have never been to Aruba and I was born in the 80´s; I just took his word for it. We stayed on the Island Colón and traveled to some of the other ones to snorkel, see a butterfly sanctuary, beach it and see many other beautiful sites. It was a fantastic time and I was glad we were able to see another side of Panamá. We then returned to the city and then met up with Gabriel (my fellow volunteer from the great state of Kansas) to spend the last night in Tocumen with friends there. So, all in all, it was wonderful to have my girl with me in Panamá so she could share in the experience with me more and understand a little of how my life has changed over the past 10 months of living abroad. She was very graceful the whole time and took the cultural differences and discomforts in stride, so that made it even better. To comment on the title of this passage, I would say it does in my case. It has been a long separation and I can't wait to get back to the states after my time in Panamá.

woo woo woo! male pattern baldness!
2:00 PM
Todd, you are so funny. Learning to laugh at yourself makes a great personality. :)
11:04 AM
8:13 AM
Yeah...I think its just trying to get away from your nose.
7:55 PM
Yeah dude, your not balding, your bald. Sorry man
9:52 AM
Hair is overrated, especially if you have a sweet Panama soccer club hat. Great to see you in America!
9:40 PM
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