Copy of probably one of the oldest existing books. Found near the Mayan ruins in the Yucatan area of Mexico and Guatemala. I went to a talk at The University of Costa Rica with the friars and the expositor talked about how the Chinese discovered America thousands of years before the Spanish did and that the indigenous from the Americas are ancestors of the Chinese. Using proofs such as the `Book` above containing similarities to chinese culture and the use of paper. It was a very interesting talk and seemed to make a very plausible case.

This is the cutiest ugly dog I have ever seen. Her name is Betty. Ugly Betty.

Volcàn Irazù near Cartago, Costa Rica.

Stained Glass window in the Basilica in Cartago. Very beautiful church. Not sure if this is depicting the ascension of Christ to heaven or what, but its pretty.

This is a hospital for AIDS patients in Cartago and the surrounding area. It was started by the Capuchin Friar in the middle and works with the community without government assistance so it can run independently. I was simply blown away by the facility because it felt more like a home or retreat center rather than a hospital. It had open spaces like the one shown with flowers, fountains and other plants to make if feel less institutional. Just wonderful work that is being done by the Capuchins all over central america.
Hello Todd, hope you are doing well.
I want to know the name of the hospital you visited in CR as well as the name of the priest and the friar next to you.
Thank you and hope you can come back to CR.
11:23 AM
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