INSTANT REPLAY of the last couple months
So, since my return to Panamá in October, I have really dropped the ball on keeping up the blog. But, have no fear, here is a review of what has been going on the past couple months; with pictures!
Here is my coworker and friend, Orlando, with his wife and daughter after the big Independence day parade in Torti. Panama has two independence days, one from Colombia and the other from Spain; both celebrated with plenty of parading and beer.
Another traditional activity for the independence day, Greasy Pole! So, basically they grease up a tree trunk with animal fat and a bunch of kids work together to try to reach the prize that is hung at the top. Pretty funny watching those youngins scrambling up that pole!
Here I am with my friend Chito and his family in Chepo after a gradution ceremony for his daughter, Anna. I was named ¨Padrino¨ for the graduation with translates to Godfather or maybe better known in the states as a sponsor. Basically this means I brought a gift, went to the ceremony and ate some good food afterwards. They are a great family and Anna is hoping to study to become a doctor. Chito has high hopes for her and works hard so his kids can have the schooling needed to make those dreams possible. I just hope I can help Anna out with her English studies and be a good example in pursing education. The opportunities we have in the states to study are so much greater that we often take even a high school or college diploma for granted. I hope the children of Panamá will continue to have more opportunities to study and earn a higher education.
Here are some of my neighbors before the mass of the Immaculate Conception. These kids dressed up in their traditional Panamanian dress to bring up the offering during the ceremony.
Many of you will not believe it, but I only have two months left here in Panamá. The time really has flown by and its seems like there is so much that I have yet to do. But, in February I will be embarking on a journey north towards the US in bus. I plan to visit Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and possibly Mexico and Belize. Right now, one brave soul is joining up with me in Honduras for the last leg of the voyage. If anyone is interested in coming along, let me know and we might be able to figure out something.
Merry Christmas to all and a happy new year!