Cartago, Costa Rica
Here are some pictures to show you a little of Costa Rica and the areas I have been able to travel so far. I plan to be in Nicaragua on Friday. Say some prayers that I may journey there safely. Thanks.
Aqui están algunas fotos de mi viaje en Costa Rica. Disfrutalas! Si Dios quiere, llegaré a Nicaragua este viernes. Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo.
La fotografia arriba es de una iglesia colonial cerca de Cartago. Se llama La Iglesia San Jose y tiene como 250 años.

Here is a view from Volcano Irazú, you can see the clouds below covering Cartago. We were still about 5 km from the top. Pretty amazing view all around. Im afraid my camera does not do it justice.
Here is a view from Volcano Irazú, you can see the clouds below covering Cartago. We were still about 5 km from the top. Pretty amazing view all around. Im afraid my camera does not do it justice.
La vista de Volcán Irazú. Se ve una nube encima de todo de Cartago. Aclaró un poco despues. Muy bonito Cartago y toda la area alrededor.
We celebrated mass with this community one day near the house of one of the friars. Much of his family was there and they invited us to a nice lunch and we able to spend time visiting them and getting to know more Costa Ricans. Hospitality here in Costa Rica is probably the best I have seen anywhere. I have felt very welcome in every home I have visited and have been offered tons of delicious food.
Nosotros despues de una misa con la familia de un Fraile. Comimos bastante allá en la comunidad y conocimos y compartimos mucho con la familia. Muy amable y tratable la gente de Costa Rica, yo me siento muy agradecido por toda la hospitalidad yo he recibido.
Here is a painting outside the church above of the crucifixion of Christ. Beautifully moving with the title ¨La Piedad¨ above which means devotion, piety and mercy.
Un muro afuera de la iglesia de la crucificcion. Muy bonito y impresionante con el título ¨La Piedad.¨
Aqui con los frailes capuchinos en las afueras de Cartago en un parque.
This picture was taken in Wacuco with my friends from Piriati, Juli, Chini and their kids. They came by to say goodbye the day before I left. It was very special to me that they all came to wish me well. Good, Good people.
En Wacuco antes de irme. Mis amigos de Piriati me visitaron con sus niños para despedirme. Fue una visita muy especial. Buena gente.