An infrequently updated blog covering the travels of one young gringo in Latin America.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I'm Back! (in case you haven't noticed)

Well, I successfully made it back home after traveling through most of Central America. It took me about a month to go from Panama to Guatemala and the last week of my trip I was flying (on a bus) through Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala with my friend Alex! It was an amazing experience that I was so lucky to have had. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has been keeping in touch with me during my time in Panama and for all those who have been keeping me in prayer. I appreciate it all so much! I don't have a phone or a car yet, but I'm working on those things to look like a " real" American. Still dealing with that whole culture change thing... Anyways, this is my last update for the "Todd's in Panama?" blog. I hope you have enjoyed reading and keeping up with what I have been doing in Panama. Enjoy the last photos!

Bueno, ya llegué a mi patria después de viajar por casí todo de américa central. Demoré un mes en mi viaje de Panamá hasta Guatemala. La última semana pasó muy rápida porque fui con mi amigo por Honduras, El Salvador y Guatemala en muy poco tiempo. Fue una experiencia inolvidable. Doy gracias a ustedes por apoyarme durante mi tiempo en Panama y por sus oraciones. Esta es la última actualización de mi ´blog´ ¨Todd´s (Miguel) in Panama?" Espero que ustedes han disfrutado mi página de web. Gracias por leer! Disfruten las fotos!

Here I am in an old abandoned Spanish gold mine in a national park in Honduras.

Aqui estoy en una mina de oro abandonada por los españoles hace siglos en Honduras.

These two good-looking chaps are my buddies Alex and Emerson. (Alex on the left, friend who came down to travel with me and Emerson on the right is my friend and college roommate.)

Esta foto es de mi amigo, Alex (quien me acompañó durante la última semana de mi viaje) y mi amigo Emerson, quien vive en Honduras y era mi compañero de cuarto en la universdad en los estados unidos.

Here is my buddy Alex in El Salvador near our expensive cabin in the woods. Beautiful, but expensive.

Aqui está Alex en El Salvador enfrente de un rio cerca de un hospedaje bastante caro; solo quedamos allá una noche y estaba despues de negociar el precio.

This last picture was taken in La Palma, El Salvador where lots of fine artisan work is sold. I bought a bunch of cool stuff here. Well, not much better of a place to leave you than a stop sign. Thanks for reading and God Bless!

La última foto tomada en La Palma, El Salvador donde vende mucha artesanía linda. Compré bastante regalos allá. Parece que esto es un buen lugar para parar. Dios les bendiga!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

More from Costa Rica

Copy of probably one of the oldest existing books. Found near the Mayan ruins in the Yucatan area of Mexico and Guatemala. I went to a talk at The University of Costa Rica with the friars and the expositor talked about how the Chinese discovered America thousands of years before the Spanish did and that the indigenous from the Americas are ancestors of the Chinese. Using proofs such as the `Book` above containing similarities to chinese culture and the use of paper. It was a very interesting talk and seemed to make a very plausible case.

This is the cutiest ugly dog I have ever seen. Her name is Betty. Ugly Betty.

Volcàn Irazù near Cartago, Costa Rica.

Stained Glass window in the Basilica in Cartago. Very beautiful church. Not sure if this is depicting the ascension of Christ to heaven or what, but its pretty.

This is a hospital for AIDS patients in Cartago and the surrounding area. It was started by the Capuchin Friar in the middle and works with the community without government assistance so it can run independently. I was simply blown away by the facility because it felt more like a home or retreat center rather than a hospital. It had open spaces like the one shown with flowers, fountains and other plants to make if feel less institutional. Just wonderful work that is being done by the Capuchins all over central america.

Visita a Nicaragua

A picture of the postulantes (not sure if this is the English word) from Nicaragua preparing to become Friars. They are in a process of discernment to decide if the religious life is right for them. After a year in Nicaragua, they can decide to become friars or not. Those who choose to become friars will spend another year in Honduras for their preparation. Great group of guys. I got to spend a few days with them at their house in Managua.

Una foto de los postulantes en Nicaragua preparandose para ser friales. Ellos tienen un año para decidir si quiere ser friale or no. Despues de esta experiencia ellos van a Honduras por un año de formacìon. Son buena gente; una làstima que no pude quedar màs tiempo con ellos en Managua.

Visita a Nicaragua (cont...)

World`s ugliest Cathedral?

¿La Catedral mas fea en el mundo?

Friar Cèsar`s Family in Managuas, Cèsar is one of the friars studying in Costa Rica.

Familia de Cèsar en Managuas.

Granada, Nicaragua

View from the bell tower of The Church of Our Lady Mercy

Vista del torre de La Iglesia Merced

Museum in Granada of ancient rock carvings.

Museo El Convento de San Francisco en Granada.

Red Coral Snake, on the path up to the top of a volcano on Isla Ometepe. Very deadly creatures, luckily my guide had a machete.

Un serpiente, Coral, en el camino hacia un mirador en el Volcàn Maderas en Isla Ometepe. Gracia a Dios, my guia tenìa un machete.

Isla Ometepe, view of the other volcano that I didn`t hike which is active and is named Conception. Very beautiful scenery and peaceful place.

Vista del otro Volcàn, Concepcìon. No caminè el otro porque es demasiado grande y activo. Pero desde este mirador se ve casi toda la isla. Muy hermosa.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cartago, Costa Rica

Here are some pictures to show you a little of Costa Rica and the areas I have been able to travel so far. I plan to be in Nicaragua on Friday. Say some prayers that I may journey there safely. Thanks.

Aqui están algunas fotos de mi viaje en Costa Rica. Disfrutalas! Si Dios quiere, llegaré a Nicaragua este viernes. Gracias por sus oraciones y apoyo.

The above pictures are from a colonial church called La Iglesia San Jose, near Cartago, built about 250 years ago. Now its more of a museum and for special events like weddings and things. Wasn´t able to go in, but from the window it looked nice.
La fotografia arriba es de una iglesia colonial cerca de Cartago. Se llama La Iglesia San Jose y tiene como 250 años.

Here is a view from Volcano Irazú, you can see the clouds below covering Cartago. We were still about 5 km from the top. Pretty amazing view all around. Im afraid my camera does not do it justice.
La vista de Volcán Irazú. Se ve una nube encima de todo de Cartago. Aclaró un poco despues. Muy bonito Cartago y toda la area alrededor.

We celebrated mass with this community one day near the house of one of the friars. Much of his family was there and they invited us to a nice lunch and we able to spend time visiting them and getting to know more Costa Ricans. Hospitality here in Costa Rica is probably the best I have seen anywhere. I have felt very welcome in every home I have visited and have been offered tons of delicious food.

Nosotros despues de una misa con la familia de un Fraile. Comimos bastante allá en la comunidad y conocimos y compartimos mucho con la familia. Muy amable y tratable la gente de Costa Rica, yo me siento muy agradecido por toda la hospitalidad yo he recibido.

Here is a painting outside the church above of the crucifixion of Christ. Beautifully moving with the title ¨La Piedad¨ above which means devotion, piety and mercy.

Un muro afuera de la iglesia de la crucificcion. Muy bonito y impresionante con el título ¨La Piedad.¨
Here I am with some of the Capuchin Friars visiting a parque outside of Cartago.
Aqui con los frailes capuchinos en las afueras de Cartago en un parque.

This picture was taken in Wacuco with my friends from Piriati, Juli, Chini and their kids. They came by to say goodbye the day before I left. It was very special to me that they all came to wish me well. Good, Good people.

En Wacuco antes de irme. Mis amigos de Piriati me visitaron con sus niños para despedirme. Fue una visita muy especial. Buena gente.